Wystąpił błąd podczas wykonywania kwerendy.
SELECT TOP 10 bar_id,bar_title,cast(bar_html as varchar(255)) as bar_html,
	   substring(datename(dw,bar_created_date),1,3) + ', ' +
	   datename(dd,bar_created_date) + ' ' +
	   substring(datename(m,bar_created_date),1,3) + ' ' +
	   datename(yyyy,bar_created_date) + ' ' +
	   datename(hh,bar_created_date) + ':' +
	   datename(mi,bar_created_date) + ':' +
	   datename(s,bar_created_date) + ' +0200'
	  as bar_created_date_str,
	   substring(datename(dw,bar_lastpublishdate),1,3) + ', ' +
	   datename(dd,bar_lastpublishdate) + ' ' +
	   substring(datename(m,bar_lastpublishdate),1,3) + ' ' +
	   datename(yyyy,bar_lastpublishdate) + ' ' +
	   datename(hh,bar_lastpublishdate) + ':' +
	   datename(mi,bar_lastpublishdate) + ':' +
	   datename(s,bar_lastpublishdate) + ' +0200'
	  as bar_lastpublishdate_str
	  FROM bip_articles INNER JOIN bip_article_categories ON bac_article=bar_id
	  WHERE bar_status=10
	  AND (bar_publishdue IS NULL OR bar_publishdue<=GETDATE())
	  AND (bar_publishtill IS NULL OR bar_publishtill>=GETDATE())
	  AND bar_website='1'
	  ORDER BY COALESCE(bar_lastpublishdate,bar_published_date) DESC,bar_created_date desc, bar_id DESC 

code: 1205
message: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Transaction (Process ID 368) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.
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